

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Black and White 2, review

Well once again I’m going to do a review on a RTS. This RTS though is a bit different to most. First of, your actually playing a god. Guided by your conscience which are represented by a little red devil thingy with wings armed with a Brooklyn accent and an old fart in a white robe riding around on a cloud.
You also get a pet creature which will grow and learn from you as the game progresses. And by that I mean you can have an evil cow that destroys your enemies or a peace loving monkey that makes you villagers laugh. Also you get to control a village which will grow very rapidly and turn into a city.

Now let me tell you about the dumb villagers. First off they’re very thick thinking that when you pick them up with your with your godly hand and drop them off somewhere its divine inspiration to them to do something. There are four basic jobs for a villager: builder, farmer, miller and breeder………..no seriously breeder, human breeder to be precise you bestiality freaks out there. Your creature can also help out with jobs around your settlement, except for the last job.

When you first start a new game you get to choose a creature. You get to choose from a monkey, lion, wolf and a cow. I chose the lion. Because I figured I would try something different from the cool looking wolf. But most importantly about the game is that how you play it. You can play the game by being good or evil and all this affects on your villagers, creature and surrounding villages and cities, hence the name black and white. Personally I thought that this was great. It made the game very dynamic. The graphics are well balanced and the game controls a bit confusing at the start but you get the hang of them fairly quickly.

This game is amazing in what you can do. It’s also hilarious at times with random things happening sometimes. Like your creature crapping on a villager. Then the other villagers laughing and clapping. Yup it can be pretty random.

However there is one thing that’s always pissing me off, that would be the evil mouse that has a mind of its own. It can be really annoying at times when you want to pick up something in a field but end up picking up hay. Incredibly annoying.

But aside from that I think the game is worth getting. And from what I know there are numerous expansion for it.

C ya later …….for now.

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