

Monday, March 8, 2010

Bad Company 2

O.k im back and slightly annoyed at bad company 2.
well not really, just slightly. Mainly because of its multiplayer only being online! that really piss me off because i dont have xbox live. But otherwise this game is awsome. And finally a good destruction system which will let you blow anything up! which excellent by the way just like the graphics and the sound is the best! all of these qualitys are awsome! because they all blend together to make something awsome. The campaign is very epic and slightly pissed me off ocasionally when you felt like the game devellopers just wanted to piss you off. Well they did for me. Anyway the campaign is very beutiful visually and in the game itself.

The Campaign starts off with the prologue of an elite mission of American commandos raiding an island to capturer a japenese scientist (which is set in WW2). But they never make it out because the Japenese secret weapon thingy blows the crap out of the island. Then you start the rest of the game in Russia.

I would recommend this game to anyone that likes MMOs that are FPS. The campaign is trully epic and awsome. Oh yer make sure you have an xbox live account if your getting it on xbox (which is the best console ever).

K c yas 4 now.

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